I never would have accomplished this goal without it... Motivation. It wasn't something I had alot of, or even had everyday. At first it didn't come easy to me. My motivation was something I had to wake up and find every single day! Wether it be a saying or a picture of a fitness model or an old picture of myself... maybe even the way my pants felt on me that day.
All I want to get across in this post is no body can give you motivation, you have to come up with it yourself. How many times have you tried to start a diet and quit?? How many times have you told yourself you would go work out and then made an excuse?? How many times have you set a limit too food and went back for seconds and thirds?? Take all those times that you gave up, that you quit and use them as motivation. Look at others and use that as motivation!
Be careful with that last one though.. Its easy to look at others and want to have what they have, but its also very unrealistic. No one can imitate someone elses body exactly, we are built differently! Don't covet, compliment and aspire to be better. Look at that person and tell them how great you think they look and then turn around and run twice as hard so someone can look at you that way!!
You have to wake up every morning and remind yourself why you are setting the goal you are setting. Don't let your brain talk you out of it, if it was important to you yesterday and the day before than it is still important to you today.
Stop asking others what keeps them going, dig deep down inside yourself and find that passion. Put your heart into it! Its just like having a relationship ( a healthy one anyways) , you do what you have got to do to make it work. You get out what you put in. You dont stop loving someone when it gets bumpy, not if its true love.. you work through it and keep going. Losing weight is the same thing, you do what you have to do to get what you want to get, you dont give up and you dont half ass expecting to get full results.
I still struggle. Even after losing 52 lbs I still wake up in the morning and crave smores pop tarts... or I go to work two jobs almost everyday and when I finally get off I just want to go home get in the shower and skip the gym, but I look down at the size of my legs or the stretch marks left on my stomache and remind myself why I do the things that I sometimes dont feel like doing.
Even if you lose sight for a day or two, fake it till you make it. Don't hold on to the bad days. So maybe you gorged and didnt go to the gym today, dont wake up tomorrow and think that you might as well do it again. Its a new day and another chance to work your butt off literally!!
This goal you made, its not an overnight goal. It will not happen fast, and you wont see results right away. You have to want this and you have to keep wanting it for the rest of your life. Its weight loss, its slow and steady. But I promise you if it is important and you keep at it, give it awhile you will see results. Others will see changes, and you will be so glad that you didn't give up on yourself. Never do it for anybody else or your motivation will fade. Do it because its what YOU want.
I hope that you know that you can do it. It is possible. Just work hard and keep at it!!!!
p.s I will be a better blogger when I get my computer fixed!! I plan on posting recipes, work out ideas and different web sites that have helped and keep helping me : ]